
Powder Coat Painting for Industrial  & Manufacturing Parts

ALMAS Powder Coating is your one-stop powder coater for quality, timely, and affordable industrial/manufacturing powder coating applications. We are also prepared to offer competitive bids on government contracts for large or small powder coating jobs.

Since we are a full-service powder coating operation, we can handle your project from pre-treatment through completion and then ship the job back to you. Regardless of the size of your powder coating job, you can be sure it will get our hallmark quality and care at ALMAS Powder Coating..

For industrial or commercial customers, our Conveyor Oven System is capable of powder coating 50 - 100 parts per hour for large jobs!

Here are just some of the examples of industrial / manufacturing / commercial powder coating applications:
·            Industrial fabrications
·            Construction equipment
·            Springs and hinges
·            Railings and fences
·            Lights and lighting fixtures
·            Sinks
·            Electrical components
·            Retail shelves, display racks and store fixtures
·            Metal furniture and filing cabinets
·            Electronic components